Monday, April 9, 2018

Baby Bribery

To be transparent, my 489 day hiatus from blogging was a mixture of a few things.

1. Life got stressful and hectic and something had to give a little.

2. Somehow, when Audrey was set to arrive, the email address that was attached to this account was switched to her shower event and I couldn't figure out how to get the heck back into it.

3. My girls stopped agreeing to having their photos taken by my big camera. Like, absolutely refused and made it a miserable experience for everyone involved.

So we took a break.

LOTS of cell phone photos happened, but that's just not the same for me.

Tonight I got home from a session in town and the light was still gorgeous outside so I asked Scarlett if she would pretty please just let me take 5 photos super quick of her.

She said no.

I called her a turd.

Boo Boo Chunk Butt laughed at me and a BRILLIANT idea emerged.

So I asked Scarlett again, but this time, I offered to let her hold the baby!


Evening light!

Chubby thighs!

Scarlett in all her big sister glory.

These two make my heart melt.

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