Sunday, April 8, 2018

489 Days

A lot can happen in 489 days.

A school year has passed.

Teeth have been lost.

(They've been re-grown, don't worry.)

Vacations have been taken.

Work has been done.

Fights have been fought.

Hugs have been plentiful.

Tears have been shed.

Encouragement has been shared.

Our family has grown.

For the last 10 months we have had the pleasure of caring for the happiest little lady around.

We opened our home to her for as long as needed and she has blessed us in ways we could have never imagined and couldn't prepare for.

The girls have loved every second of watching her grow and trying on their new roles of being the best big sisters to her that they can be while she's with us.

She is so very loved by so many people near and far.

I am hopeful for this young ones journey in life and am blessed to get to be a part of it.

So to answer your questions:

We cannot share her personal information, so we'll be referring to her in any online capacity by one of her many nicknames.

Boo Boo Chunks.

Baby Girl.


Teeny Monster.

Little Wisp.

Tiny Little Princess.

Bright Eyes.

Slobber Face.

Munchkin Butt.

Princess Toes. 

Cutie Patootie.


Pretty much anything adorable or slightly messy or that makes her laugh because she's SO STINKING CUTE and also learning to feed herself.

We also won't be showing her face in it's entirety even though it's literally the cutest because of privacy for her future.

You'll be getting lots of cuteness headed your way and some hilariousness from the Harriot ladies coming soon!


  1. Yay! She really is the cutest little wisp...

  2. I love they way the Harriot family loves. What a privilege it is to call them friends (or frieds as I first typed!)

