Friday, November 9, 2012

The Harriot Wedding Day

I'm in a pool of wedding photo editing today and am determined to get the rest of my weddings finished this week.
Going through all that ooey gooey lovey dovey mush though had me reminiscing about my wedding.
Paul and I dated for 2 years before our big day arrived.
For the entire 2 years of our courtship I had been leading Paul to believe that the female population was incapable of pooping.
At least the decent portion of the female population because a "lady" shouldn't be able to do that.
It's foul.
Anyway, he was hard pressed to believe me because his lovely little bundle of joy had produced many a diaper and he claimed he knew better.
Because Lily was definitely the littlest of ladies...
but she was also the stinkiest of ladies.
I still soldiered on though and vehemently denied the possibility of a woman deficating.
Our big day came along and it was absolutely amazing thanks to our lovely friends and supportive family.
Paul looked amazing.
Aside from someone letting me stick a boquet of flowers in my hair I felt like a beautiful bride.
(Check out that glorious mullet please.)
(Love you Daddy!)
Paul and I sealed the deal that day.
Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.
Or else.
We did our couples portraits immediatly after the ceremony.
It was a great moment after our ceremony for Paul and I to have a few minutes alone.
We hadn't seen each other since the day before and wanted to recap our experience from the whole day.
I took this moment, right after he said 'for better or worse', to air my dirty laundry.
"I poop."
That moment happened.
Right there.
Caught in time forever.
My husband loves me.
It's ok though that I ruined our super romantical moment with poop talk.
I had forgotten to lay down the cake eating law earlier and didn't realize.
One nose full of cake and 2 years of lying revealed later we were even.
Love you Mr. Harriot.
p.s. Sorry about all the poop talk.
It's a regular topic in our house.
Our wedding portraits were take by Mrs. Melissa Williams of


  1. What? Poop isn't a regular topic of conversation in EVERY house? :)

    Beautiful pictures! I remember your wedding well. It was wonderful.

  2. hahahahaha! Love it! PS: Pretty sure I used to work with your wedding photographer and her husband :) Small world!

