Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sucked In...

My parents love to joke that when I was younger, if the t.v. was on, it was like no one else was in the room for me.

It's still pretty applicable today which is why I don't watch any t.v. during the day that might entertain me.

The girls get two cartoons(ish) in the morning and then we get ready for our day.

Yesterday we helped our good friends "Uncle" Stephen and "Aunt" Dani move into their very first house!

Around naptime I wanted the girls out of the way but knew they wouldn't be easy going down.

So I whipped out Daddy and I's iPhones and loaded up the netflix.

Addison is exactly like me when it comes to t.v.

She loves Backyardigans, Word World, and Tangled.

She even knows how to turn on my iPhone, navigate to Netflix, and get her favorite show going.

Her favorite episode currently is the 'Mighty Knights'.

She loves the grabbing gobblin who's taught her my absolute favorite phrase as a mother...

"No. NEVER!"

It's charming.

Mommy: Addison. Addison. Addison, Look at Mommy. Addison. Addison Addison.

Now imagine me two feet away from her face.

"Addison! Addison! Look at ME! Addison, Addison, Addisonaddisonaddisonaddison!"

My attempts are pointless.

I even picked her up and moved her to a completely different room.

She didn't budge.

It was like carrying an Addison shaped statue.

We're gonna be moving to educational shows only!

At least then I don't have to feel bad...

She's not ignoring Mommy!

She's learning!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god, my little brother is EXACTLY like her, really, if he's watching cartoons or whatever is, he will not talk or look at you. Gosh, those kiddos are so addicted on television ):
    Oh, and cute the snail pink polish haha



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