Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lenses and See You Laters.

So I'm headed to Colorado today and I'm gonna miss my big girls like crazy!

Scarlett is coming with me because she'll be easy to handle (or have someone else handle) while I'm taking photos.

So Daddy gets to spend the weekend with two of his lovely ladies as I jet set off to see my best friend and her new husband!

It's almost a form of torture that I bought a new lens yesterday as well.

I'm leaving and won't get to use my new lens on the girls for a whole weekend!

I've been going a little shutter happy for the last day though so I thought I'd share some of my pictures before leaving!


Unhappy that Mommy is taking pictures and not feeding her.

Too busy playing to let Mommy take pictures of her.

Refusing to look at Mommy and her silly camera.

Pouting so that Daddy will pay attention to her.


A smile!

You'd think my family was tired of having pictures taken or something!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Addison's dress(well, I think it's a dress) is so cute, I loved it. Good trip (:



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