Friday, July 25, 2014

Face Art

This is the entire reason Lily wanted to go to California this year.

Sorry Aunt Lacey.

Truth can be vicious.

Don't get me wrong, she was super excited to see her Aunt and Uncle too, but it was always about the Jelly Belly Factory.

When we arrived the line was forever and a day long.

Luckily this lady was at the end of it, painted up like a glitter rainbow tiger, and offering to entertain our kids for a nominal fee.

Kudos to you tiger lady.

Addison, not surprisingly, picked a glittery rainbow with a magical unicorn.

Lily picked a princess crown with glitter, real gems, and lipstick!

Then came Scarlett.

She'd never had her face painted before because she's a little wiggly.

Once she saw her sisters do it, there was no stopping her.

She picked out a giant spider, a slithering snake, and a full cheetah face.

Her size didn't permit those, nor did I think she'd sit still, so I told the lady to do something tiny.

I also informed her that Scarlett loves the color green, but that she could add pink or purple to it also.

Obviously tiger lady didn't listen to either of us as she went full on girly with swirls and flowers and close to zero green.

Scarlett was unimpressed.

We made up for her flowery face disappointment with a tour of the factory and a giant bag of jelly beans.

Lily was by far the happiest child that day.

Her vacation dreams had finally come to fruition.

Plus she rocked her pose this time...

Also, Scarlett is running away with Lily and Daddy's candy in that last photo.

It's why she looks so smug.

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