Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sucked In...

My parents love to joke that when I was younger, if the t.v. was on, it was like no one else was in the room for me.

It's still pretty applicable today which is why I don't watch any t.v. during the day that might entertain me.

The girls get two cartoons(ish) in the morning and then we get ready for our day.

Yesterday we helped our good friends "Uncle" Stephen and "Aunt" Dani move into their very first house!

Around naptime I wanted the girls out of the way but knew they wouldn't be easy going down.

So I whipped out Daddy and I's iPhones and loaded up the netflix.

Addison is exactly like me when it comes to t.v.

She loves Backyardigans, Word World, and Tangled.

She even knows how to turn on my iPhone, navigate to Netflix, and get her favorite show going.

Her favorite episode currently is the 'Mighty Knights'.

She loves the grabbing gobblin who's taught her my absolute favorite phrase as a mother...

"No. NEVER!"

It's charming.

Mommy: Addison. Addison. Addison, Look at Mommy. Addison. Addison Addison.

Now imagine me two feet away from her face.

"Addison! Addison! Look at ME! Addison, Addison, Addisonaddisonaddisonaddison!"

My attempts are pointless.

I even picked her up and moved her to a completely different room.

She didn't budge.

It was like carrying an Addison shaped statue.

We're gonna be moving to educational shows only!

At least then I don't have to feel bad...

She's not ignoring Mommy!

She's learning!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

One Day.

One day she'll look back through all of her pictures and ask me why she never looked like she was having any fun.

The only reason I say this is because the vast majority of her pictures look like this.

The kid came out of her mother with this look on her face!

You would have never guessed that on this day...

Out of these three happy little girls...

Especially this happy, calm, ridiculously easy baby...

that THIS little girl...

Would be the happiest most well behaved little girl on the face of the planet.

Not that you'd be able to tell from any of her pictures though.

The little turkey.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

California: Day 3: Fathers Day!

On Sunday I made a delicious breakfast for all the Dad's.

I fed everyone else too...

Just so we're clear.

Chase and Anna, Paul's oldest friend and his wife, headed down with their family that morning and we all went to visit Lacey and Brandon's new church!

Then we spent a great afternoon in the backyard hanging out, grilling and playing with the kiddo's!

Addison spent the majority of the afternoon watching everyone else play in the kiddie pool.

She was afraid of it for the afternoon.

Chase and Anna's youngest daughter Moya spent the afternoon in the shade.

Being adorably chunky and whatnot.

This is Chase and Anna's oldest daughter Chi!
(Pronounced K-eye)

She's 7 weeks younger than Addison and at least 12 lbs lighter.

She's normal sized.

Addison isn't.

Speaking of my 3 year old sized 2 year old.

Love that face.

I love this face too!

I'm almost certain she is some kind of fish child too.

She loves her some pool time!

Scarlett even got in on the fun and had her very first pool experience!

She was super great in the water!

Addison and Chi spent the rest of the evening covering themselves in dirty concrete water.

Lacey kept giving me "wierd" faces.

The only reason I use quotation marks is because that's what her face looks like naturally.


I just can't get over this kids rolls!

I love them!


I told you that was just her face.

The girls enjoyed popsicles.




Flip flop.


And as much cupcake as their little tummy's could handle.

Group bath to follow.

Gross little monsters.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Girls x 10

What happens when you tell little girls to smile for the camera?

The tilt and smile.


Is this just programmed in before birth?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lenses and See You Laters.

So I'm headed to Colorado today and I'm gonna miss my big girls like crazy!

Scarlett is coming with me because she'll be easy to handle (or have someone else handle) while I'm taking photos.

So Daddy gets to spend the weekend with two of his lovely ladies as I jet set off to see my best friend and her new husband!

It's almost a form of torture that I bought a new lens yesterday as well.

I'm leaving and won't get to use my new lens on the girls for a whole weekend!

I've been going a little shutter happy for the last day though so I thought I'd share some of my pictures before leaving!


Unhappy that Mommy is taking pictures and not feeding her.

Too busy playing to let Mommy take pictures of her.

Refusing to look at Mommy and her silly camera.

Pouting so that Daddy will pay attention to her.


A smile!

You'd think my family was tired of having pictures taken or something!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Lens and the Nooner Pie!

Mommy got a new lens today!

I'm ridiculously excited about this and couldn't wait to get home to photograph my lovely little ladies.

They were being kinda 'turdy' though so I went to my next favorite photo subject!


Do you SEE that bokeh?!

Look at how CRISP that photo is!

I'm gonna go kiss my Nooner Munchkin for being such a good boy today!

Off to Colorado I go tomorrow to use my new lens in my best friends wedding!

Wish me luck!

Monday, July 4, 2011

1 More Year... +6 Days...

So I have been anxiously awaiting the day that I would get to photograph Addison with her very first smiling picture!

I did this last year right after I started the blog and decided then and there that I would continue this every year in June.

Obviously my baby brain got the best of me and I failed to photograph her on the 28th.

BUT, 6 days late is better than never!

A recap if you will...

2 years ago (plus 6 days) I got my very first Addison smile!


1 year (+6 days) later I was feeling all nostalgic and going through old photos when my lovely 1 year old waddled over with her bow legs and pigeon toes to smile for me!

She was just starting to love baby dolls and was ecstatic to see such an adorable baby on Mommy's computer screen.


Barely able to hold still!

Only now she can recognize herself in a picture...

"Baby Me Mama!"

She's potty trained.

She says cheese whenever she's infront of a camera.

She repeats everything we say.

She gives me sweet kisses on my shoulder when I come home.

She sings her ABC's.

She loves helping Daddy park his work truck when he gets home from work.

She's getting so big.


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