Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Birthday Fire Truck

Last summer Addison won a ride in a fire truck to school from our local fire station!

Being the fantastically organized Mother that I am, I lost the certificate.


Eventually she forgot all about it and we all moved on.

About a month ago Paul found it in a stack of paperwork it wasn't supposed to be in and we decided to set up Addison's ride to coincide with her birthday and surprise her with it!

That worked out well!

Like I planned it all that way in the first place.

I'm gonna claim that.

So her 9th birthday morning rolled around and I requested to take a few pictures in our front yard for her first day of 9.

She was being kind of a turkey and wouldn't give me a big smile until I told her what her surprise was.

So Dad shook her a little.


She started being her normal goofy self and completely ignored the giant loud fire engine pulling up behind her.

So we all yelled surprised and started pointing!

 It took her a moment, but then she realized what was happening!

She spent the whole ride ignoring the firemen because I'm pretty positive she blacked out from excitement.

She just kept saying over and over again that this was "SO COOL" but she would whisper it into my ear and stare out the window.

She did see lots of friends walking on their way to school and got to wave at a few of them once they realized she was on the truck.

They drove her around town a few times and dropped Addison and I off right at the front door so that everyone could see her!

She was the COOLEST kid in class that day.

We always think she's the coolest kid in class, but that's to be expected.

Thank you to the Estacada Fire District for helping us make Addison's big day wonderful!

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