Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Terrible 2's

It's a very real thing.

The Terrible 2's.

I would like to offer up exhibit "A" as proof.

Exhibit "B": A small collection of terrible quotes and (if needed) there even worse translations...

Gib me yo ko-los. I need candy. = Give me your quarters. I need candy.

THE BABY MADE A STINKY DANGIT! = Mom and Dad... Scarlett has pooped in her pants and it is disgusting and unacceptable.

I need my yight-say-bo. Wanna fight?! = I need my lightsaber. Wanna fight?!
(The "Wanna fight?!" portion usually includes being wacked over the head WITH a lightsaber.)

yeave me a-yone. I coloring. = Leave me alone. I'm coloring.

Mama. You stop talking to me!

Mama. Don't see what I'm doing. Don't tell me no.

Sampson pooped in the yard!

I need chocolate. You find some for me.

Yeah Jackass! = Mom fail. It happens from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are priceless. And as much as you don't WANT them to swear...it is kind of funny when they do.

