Monday, May 30, 2011

Your Last Day of 1...

Tomorrow my precious Addison will be 2.

1 year ago today she was still my little baby.

Just learning how to play.

To climb...

To slide...

To swim...

and say cheese.

She went to waterparks...

the beach...

trick or treating...

and had dance parties.

She fought epic battles...

and took on potty training.

She became a big sister...

She learned to put sentences together, like "No Mama, I don't want to", "What Mama, I'm busy" and "Mama! I pooped!".

But most of all she went and grew one year older.

One year wiser.

One year more beautiful than the very first day I held her in my arms.


  1. this is the sweetest thing every velvet i love it it brought tears to my eyes her little journey and you capturing it is a wonder and a blessing <3

