Friday, April 19, 2013

Beach Stroll and Anemones

When we went to the beach in February we spent the morning running around with the girls and Gummy playing at the arcade and eating sweet treats.
After lunch and ice cream Gummy and Miss Scarlett went back to the house and took a nap while Daddy and I took the older girls to the beach and aquarium for the afternoon!
We had too much fun with the big littles.
We chased seagulls, found shells, touched seaweed, wrestled the kiddos, chased waves, and poked anemones!
Enjoy the photos from our adventures!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Not So Terrible Scarlett!

She made it!
She's two!
Tell 'em baby!
She's smart, sassy, and full of wiggles.
She loves to have dance parties with her big sisters and play by herself when possible.
She loves to demand attention from people by grabbing their faces with both of her little toddler hands and declaring "Me!" while rubbing forheads.
She slow blinks at you when she thinks she's in trouble.
She'll hand out kisses galore when she feels like it and ONLY when SHE feels like it.
She's the worst snuggler on the face of the planet unless she's actually tired.
She's a sneaky bath pooper.
She loves to shush people with her little finger.
She tells Sampson to "shut up" frequently.
If she doesn't like how her sisters are behaving she calls them 'Bad girls' with all the baby oomph she can muster up.
She is a total Daddies girl with all of Mommies attitude.
She climbs out of bed in the middle of the night to snuggle Lily.
She can say Lilyanna perfectly but only refers to Addison as "Doo".
She's a bigger cheeser then Lily and Addison combined!
Happy birthday to the sweetest 2 year old we know!
Love you Scarlett!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Baby and Her Last Day of 1

Today was Miss Scarlett's last day of being 1.
It's amazing to the Mr. and I just how different and wonderful she is from her sisters and yet so very similar.
I am so excited about her next year in our family and all the joy it will bring.
On her last day of 1...

She demanded Mommy snuggles...

Forced Daddy and Mommy to kiss a LOT...

Flew with Daddy...

Faked shy at lunch...

Took a nap coma...

Started running a fever...


Brushed her pearly whites (including her new molars!)...

Used the big girl potty...

and passed out during story time...

I can't believe how quickly 1 whole year has flown by.

This happens every time.

Just yesterday she was getting ready to turn 1.

The day before that I was shoving my face full of lasagna, salad, and a fist full of tums and praying to the good Lord above that I would give birth to a 30 pound although average sized baby.

The moral of this day is that I have become one of "those ladies" that always tells you how quickly time goes and to cherish every minute.

Every minute won't be lovely and perfect and sane but every moment is worth every ounce of that precious human you created.

So, my dear sweet Scarlett, we'll see you on your first day of 2.

Mommy and Daddy love you.
