Over the last year Scarlett has learned some very important things.
Like how to say MaMa and DaDa.
Num Num when she wants food.
Butt or Poo when she's fouled herself.
Hello or Bye Bye which are strictly used only when drooling on or hiding Mommy's cell phone.
Used when every other word has been used and deemed useless in getting our attention.
She's also learned to answer to Scarlett, Scarlett Bo Tarlett, Munchkin Butt, Little, and No.
She's joined the family dance parties.
She can climb stairs (much to Mommy's dismay and disapproval).
She feeds herself and gets disgusting on a daily basis.
Her version of snuggling is laying on top of you and wiggling mercilessly.
She's mastered the art of the fit as chronicled
here, and
She's learned that she has to keep a death grip at all times on things she doesn't want stolen.
The most important thing she's learned over the last year though, is of course, to smile for Mommy's camera.
Lets keep our priorities straight people!